David Hillman is an Author, Life Coach and Meditation Teacher. He is a teacher of the Silva Method, which can help you to heal your negative emotions, relationships, physical ailments and even in your relationships with self and others. This course in miracles is aimed at helping you understand your own mind. What is it that makes you feel angry or sad? Why are your judgments true and why are they so often not noticed by others? David Hillman has helped thousands to discover the answers to their problems.
The Silva method teaches that all your conditioned beliefs are false and that what is real is only you see what is true. According to Hillman all the conditioned thoughts and feelings you have are false and originate from your ego mind. The goal of this course in miracles is to let go of your ego mind and allow the unconditional love and peace of the Oneness. When you let go of this thought of yourself as separate from the Oneness the peace and joy come automatically. If you struggle with being alone then David Hillman can show you how to connect with all the people of the universe and learn to share all the love that you have.
The Silva method teaches that love is the key to your happiness. It replaces your old limiting thought system with the new unlimited thought system of the Oneness. Your ego mind cannot compare with the Oneness. It does not matter if you think you are better than other people, you are comparing things from your limited perspective which is based on your ego-based mind. When you use David Hoffmeister free audios you will connect with the unconditional love of the Oneness.
This course teaches the four levels of forgiveness using quotes and also explains why forgiveness is important so that you may apply it in your life today. David Hillman has written a very simple and easy to understand text, in which you can start changing your negative thought system into positive ones. The four levels of forgiving are: compassionate, self-forgiving and unforgiving. The first level is about loving yourself and others; the second level about loving and respecting yourself; the third level about forgiving yourself and others and finally the fourth level about forgiving others. After listening to these audio files one will be able to apply his or her forgiveness in his or her daily life.
A very important aspect of the program is that David Hillman has worked out a very simple yet effective workbook which you can use in order to change the way that you forgive others. The workbook contains eleven chapters and each chapter contains information regarding a specific reason why forgiveness is important. You can listen to one of the free David hoffmeister free audios on the audio file named "Why Are Some People Forgiving Others and Why Aren't You?" The audio file focuses on helping you find the inner voice that says "I forgive." As Hillman states "The absence of a word to describe our feelings about the other person can be just as critical as the presence of a word to describe our feelings about ourselves."
In order to understand the concepts and teachings of this workbook one needs to know what is forgiveness? According to Hillman there is no difference between forgiveness and sanctification; however, there is a difference between forgiveness that creates rehabilitation and forgiveness that change lives. If we live with an attitude of forgiveness, we will have no problem being a child of God and applying His principles to our lives. Those who have never applied the principles of the Bible and thus find themselves living in a state of condemnation will never find eternal life.